X-GUIDE: dynamic 3D navigation implant system
What is X-GUIDE?
A new, patient-friendly method of implantation that is the most precise, less invasive and with fewer post-operative complaints than any other method used to date: 3-dimensional computer-guided navigation implantation.
Why is X-GUIDE good?
A 3-dimensional CBCT (dental CT) scan requires precise planning, which allows for more accurate, optimal implant placement, and subsequent implant restorations can be planned to create the most favorable conditions.
The surgeon can monitor his work continuously during the operation, resulting in safer surgery, more accurate results, and less risk of complications.
Less intervention is required, no major exploration is needed, so healing is faster, less painful, less swelling, and fewer post-operative complaints.
What is the procedure for implantation with the X-GUIDE system?
1) A 3-dimensional CBCT scan (with or without clip) is taken prior to the procedure.
2) Based on the imaging, a special planning program is used to plan the position and size of the implants and, if possible, the replacement to be made on the implants.
3) Placement of the implants (without exploration) using the X-Guide system. A clip or marking system is placed in the mouth to check the placement.
4) Recovery time is required after the procedure, which can last from a few weeks to a few months.
5) Preparation of a dental prosthesis for the implants based on the treatment plan.
Main advantages:
1) more accurate design
2) more accurate implantation
3) less surgical risk
4) aesthetically and functionally superior prostheses
5) less intervention, fewer post-operative complaints
6) faster healing